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What treatment for dark circles under the eyes

                    The dark circles under the eyes

1- What are dark circles?        2-What causes the appearance of dark circles  
3-Natural recipes to get rid of dark circles
 treatment for dark circles under the eyes
  The dark circles under the eyes                    

1- What are dark circles?

🔄The problem of dark circles is one of the problems that many suffer from, including males, females and children. This problem increases when the age increases. 

The skin becomes thinner and the collagen decreases. This causes the appearance of blood vessels under the eye and becomes darker. A sign of fatigue and fatigue, but the stress worsens the situation and worsens the situation, in addition to it does not indicate a serious medical condition, and the causes and methods of treatment.

 2-What causes the appearance of dark circles?

There are many reasons and factors that cause the appearance of dark circles under the eye,Including the following:

🔃 Lack of sleep.
🔃Hormonal disorder.
🔃 Using the computer for long without resting.
🔃Genetic factors and family history with dark circles.
🔃A defect in the immune system resulting in sensitivity and the appearance of dark circles.

3-Natural recipes to get rid of dark circles.

🔃Tea bags.

Black tea is one of the best ways to help cure dark circles and eye grants a special glow and radiance are used after you put a tea bag in hot water and leave it to cool a bit, then be put directly on the eye and leave for five minutes and get amazing results keep on this way. A week.

🔃 Focus on proper nutrition and avoid salty foods which are also causes.
🔃You can use some of the natural therapeutic creams specifically designed to remove dark circles under the eyes.
🔃Prevention of sun light by wearing sunglasses.
treatment for dark circles under the eyes

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